What on earth is The EIS Project?
Believe it or not, The EIS Project was born in Paris, as a product of a school assignment.
Throughout 2019 and 2020, we decided to turn this school project into what The EIS Project is today a platform for all students looking to move to the capitals of Europe. The EIS Project stands for Expatriation Information System, but since that sounded too corporate we decided to keep it short and simple!

Our Story
Our Mission
Make life abroad simple. As a group of international students who struggled to relocate with very little support, we became determined to mitigate the bureaucratic process and ease the vast anxieties of moving abroad.
We maintain the philosophy that studying abroad is an unparalleled experience that should be accessible to all. You don’t have to be an immigration lawyer or filthy rich to enjoy life abroad.
We were students struggling in our process of moving abroad.
Decided to create the EIS project as our collective project.
Redesigned our website and added more cities to our information pages.
We felt the potential of the project and its success, created a company based in Germany.
Working even harder, optimizing the website, creating the biggest student led network of apartments!
Focusing fully on making it the simplest and easiest accommodation service possible.
Making everything faster, clearer, easier, and better organised.
From the website, to the last detail of our service!